5-Star Service (13 Reviews)
Monday — Sunday: 7am – 5pm

Few things will send a chill up the spine of the average homeowner quicker than the telltale signs of termite damage. These voracious insects don’t merely drop in for a bite to eat; they move in lock, stock, and barrel, gnawing their way through your home and everything in it.

Discovering an invasion by these wood-chewing intruders isn’t a sign of weak housekeeping, but ignoring it certainly is. Not to mention, risky too. Why, you ask? It’s simple. Termites are the house guests, and even your mother-in-law would have trouble beating them. They won’t simply leave when asked. They march on, biting and chewing through everything you cherish.

Termite Inspections Sunshine Coast

Sit tight, and you’ll soon discover their passion isn’t limited to the antique coffee table your grandma left you. They’re likely to come calling for your rocking chair, too. If you’re not the sharing kind, it’s time to call in the pros.

And the first line of attack? A termite inspection!

A termite inspection isn’t your average once-over. It’s an all-out reconnaissance mission that circles your property’s interior and exterior to track down the sneaky bugs. This tactical manoeuvre ensures that the enemy - in this case, the termites, are identified and cornered.

Every possible hot spot, including basements, attics, gardens, and any wooden structures – is surveyed meticulously. Nothing is left unchecked in this crucial part of the termite control process.

1300 755 307

The Secret Weapon? Advanced Technology.

It looks like a scene straight from a Bond film. We’re talking about thermal detection - a non-invasive, extremely effective method of unearthing termites from their hiding spots.

Thermal technology provides an amazingly accurate snapshot of termite activity by identifying the heat these pesky creatures emanate.

No more prying away at your beautiful hardwood floors or vintage furniture. This is 21st-century termite detection, fast and efficient. While it might cost more than the naked eye approach, the investment is worth every penny.

That’s why our team is trained at Sunshine Coast Pest Control to utilise this advanced technology, making the inspection process nifty and thorough.

Oh, and the time factor

Contrary to popular belief, termite inspections don’t call for days of evading termite inspectors in your home. A meticulous property sweep can usually be done in an hour or so.

If you’re grappling with a termite infestation, don’t let the silent destroyers gnaw away at your peace of mind (or your furniture). Reach out to Sunshine Coast Pest Control. We don’t just remove termites; we help keep them at bay so you can keep your home safe. Guaranteed.

1300 755 307

Areas Served

Sunshine Coast
North Brisbane